Pull Request Club 2021-2023 Report

Pull Request Club is a web app matching open source contributors with maintainers. This happens through monthly assignments: Maintainers’ repos are assigned to contributors. Assignment is to submit at least one pull request.

I’ve started the Pull Request Club as a successor to CPAN Pull Request Challenge in January 2019. See previous yearly reports below:

Unfortunately I didn’t write reports for 2021 and 2022, so I’ll try to cover the missing years here.

New Things


Overall stats are below. Two things to note:

   2019       2020       2021       2022       2023    TOTAL
New users 96 46 24 9 16 191
New repos in assignment pool 229 20 12 9 11 281
New assignment-getters 68 54 24 9 18 173
New PR-submitters 15 14 5 2 7 43
New assignee-getters 21 5 3 1 3 33
New PR-getters 14 10 2 2 1 29
New assignments 166 175 106 85 86 618
New PRs 57 75 63 38 41 274
PR/Assignment Ratio 34.34% 42.86% 59.43% 44.71% 47.67% 44.34%

Here’s a little more details on assignment statuses:

   Assigned in       2019       2020       2021       2022       2023       TOTAL   
Open - - - - 22 22
Timed Out 49 49 22 9 - 130
Skipped 60 45 21 38 21 185
Deleted - 6 - - 2 8
Completed 57 75 63 38 41 274
TOTAL 166 175 106 85 86 618

Good news: Number of pull requests that are exchanged by Pull Request Club members has gone up to 274 (compared to 132 of 3 years ago). Assignment completion rate is also trending upwards.

Bad news: The difference between assignment-getters vs pr-submitters stays wide open. In three years, assignment-getters increased by 51, whereas pr-submitteres increased only by 14.

To summarize, there’s no big growth. But we still have a number of active users, which is what keeps me running the site.

Join us!

Are you looking to contribute to open source more this year?

Are you looking for patches for your open source libraries?

You can join us at PullRequest.Club today.